Art Documentation Services
Art Documentation Services provides full documentation, condition reporting and maintenance planning for public and private art collections, including both internal and public artworks.
Dana Kornhauser has a background in architecture and arts management. She has an excellent knowledge of materials and experience working with artists, engineers and heritage specialists.
Victor France held the original contract to document the then Building Management Authority’s Percent for Art Scheme and works for national and state galleries, local government and private art collectors.
Art Documentation Services's largest contract to date was for the City of Swan’s Art Collection, comprising over 400 artworks (Internal and Public), spread across nine suburbs.
An extensive condition reporting system is utilised with site visits where relevant photographs and data are accumulated. On review an assessment is made on the need for conservation specialist involvement.
Onsite data is then distilled and used as the basis for a report that includes recommendations such as immediate remedial maintenance and prioritised de-accessioning and which in its final form provides future planning for condition reporting and regular maintenance/conservation.
Full services provide:
- Detailed descriptions of the artwork including constituent materials
- Photographic and written documentation of its current condition
- Environmental conditions noted, for example if the site is close to the sea
- Legibility/adequacy of attribution of didactic plaques
- Identifies need for specialist assessment - conservation/heritage significance/materials
- Qualitative/numerical condition rating given
- Proposition of routine maintenance schedule
- Proposition of priority maintenance plan
- Identification of artworks requiring remedial conservation
- Identification of artworks constituting failed assets/ recommendation for de-accession
- Recommendation of “useful life”
- Creation of a consistent maintenance manual for all artworks
- Proposition of a condition reporting procedure appropriate for art collections with any associated forms/documents